I'd Do Me Self-Esteem Accelerator Course
I'd Do Me Self-Esteem Accelerator Course
The course to make you unf*ckwithable…
Here is the formula.
You feel great about yourself ►You create a life you love.
Well often it looks like this.
You feel great about yourself ◄ ► You create a life you love.
The trouble is, people don’t really know how to feel good about themselves (not just in a shallow, lip-service way).
And when they think they know, they aren’t really willing to do what it takes.
This course is to help you get to that point.
At an accelerated rate, you’ll feel so good about yourself, that your self-esteem can’t be shaken. And you can create success on repeat. Even when it seems impossible.
After taking this course:
You will never have to ‘fake it til you make it’ or follow other amateur advice for ‘confidence building’ (like making intense eye-contact)
You will be at peace with your place in this world and easily overcome your monthly existential crisis.
You could fall on your face, literally or metaphorically, and shake it off, even laugh about it, and bounce back better than ever.
And let’s go to extremes here, because this course was designed to make you unfuckwithable…
You could be universally despised, hissed and booed at, with communities praying to their gods for your swift demise AND still feel deeply loved and powerful beyond measure.
You could have a track-record of failures that haunt your dreams, and still embody success in a way that attracts amazing opportunities.
You could be a shy, socially-awkward hermit and feel like the sexiest badass on the planet.
Who I Work With
I work with creative, heart-centred, high-achiever types who are breaking the mould. Someone just like you, who, with dreams in your heart, real gifts and a level of intensity that most cannot match, still feels fucked up.
You think others have an answer you don’t yet have.
You feel like everything comes easily to other people.
Maybe some days you feel cursed…
in between days where you feel like a super-hero.
Then there is the yearning. The needing more, when most would be happy with the hand you were dealt. Yes you have your own struggles, but it ain’t always that bad. You’ve seen worse. And yet you wish you could feel better.
Sometimes you feel like you could be on the brink of something great, but who knows if you’ll even let yourself get there or fully enjoy it. You still feel kinda broken. You can’t always trust yourself. You feel that one.
Here is where I come in.
I will help you love yourself and your life on a whole new level. You will become at peace with who you are. You will embrace parts of you that you thought you could never love. We will obliterate the parts that you are ready to say goodbye to. You will learn your unique code and how to treat yourself to feel your best and make every accomplishment feel easier and more fun than ever. Other things will start looking up. Like your relationships and skills that you have been looking to hone for years. It will touch your work, your family, your friends and this world.
By the end of this course you will be able to:
Tell your story in a way that inspires you and those who hear it.
Finally be the expert on how you work best and capitalise on your findings.
Use advanced self-care practices to elevate your life and your whole being.
Have powerful conversations that turn lacklustre or tense relationships into mutually nourishing partnerships.
Own your darker parts or ‘weaknesses’ as the secret treasure map to the best parts of you that will get you rich.
Do the scariest things, including what you are avoiding for bang for buck impact.
Transmute any limiting beliefs using words alone, so you can get out of your own way with love and forgiveness.
Make measurable progress towards ‘impossible’ goals and never doubt yourself for too long, ever again.
Engage fully with your whole body, taking care of your health, powering up your orgasms and healing through systematic and intuitive processes.
Live by your purpose or through purposefulness so that your life has an unshakeable worth of its own.
Focus on contribution and kindness, removing the need for self-esteem at all (the paradox that will make confidence irrelevant)
Self-esteem is usually a side-effect of working with me.
But in this course it is the main focus.
When you feel good about yourself you can do the things that will make you fulfilled and happy in this life. You’ll treat people even better and allow yourself to receive all the good you deserve. When life throws those curveballs, you may fumble, but always get back in the game and play to win.
How ‘I’d Do Me’ Works
I’d Do Me is a self-paced, 10-Module course, and for a limited time there will be a live component, with weekly calls and an opportunity to work closely with me as you progress. I can help you through the more difficult challenges and provide extra tools to deepen your learning based on what you need. You can do the course in 10 weeks, but you’ll have lifetime access if you want to take your time with the challenges. It is an accelerator course, which means working within a shorter timeframe is like the kickstart to the rest of your dreamy life. So pace it as your energy and motivation allows.
You’ll be given a password to access the course materials and receive supplementary focus emails for each of the 10 weeks.
Is this course right for you?
Hand-on-heart, this course is transformational for everyone.
But for some people, this will be an absolute life-saver. If you answer yes to any of these questions, you will find enormous benefit from the I’d Do Me experience:
When your life doesn’t seem to be working out, do you begin to feel bad about yourself?
Do you obsess over what other people think of you and does it cause you distress or waste your time?
Do you have a feeling like you are extraordinary and broken at the same time?
Are you worried that you are not meeting your potential and that it is all your fault?
Do you feel like other people have it all figured out and that your world is a bit of a clusterfuck?
Are you super hard on yourself, despite obvious talent and success?
Do you want to stop sabotaging yourself by doing and saying things that you know are self-destructive?
Are you bored or getting complacent and know that this is a evolve or dissolve situation?
Are you sick of feeling like you are letting yourself and other people down?
Do you know that you can do better and that you need to do something drastic to change?
Do you want to feel light and optimistic without being the embodiment of ‘ignorance is bliss’? How about ‘knowing is bliss’ instead?
Do you want to be really, really, really happy? And know that you are responsible for it.
Do you want to leave everything better than you found it? Do you want everything you touch to turn to gold and every person you meet to feel better for knowing you?
Do you want to be able to put yourself first for once so the whole world can be brighter?
Do you want to love yourself unconditionally?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, I believe this course will save you and set you up for life. You’ll probably want to get everyone you know to do these challenges with you and maybe you’ll even start prescribing these to yourself when you are feeling a little flat. I know, for me, so much of this course is the best life-medicine.
When you join this course, you’ll also get the I’d Do Me ebook for easy reference to a lot of the material and a summary of the challenges, plus access to bonus materials. It is the gift to yourself that will keep on giving- perhaps the best gift you could possibly give to you.
That is the first indicator that this will work for you. You are ready to invest in yourself.
I’d Do Me Value & Inclusions
Lifetime access to the 10-module course (including the closing ‘bonus’ module)
Exclusive bundle of spreadsheets, charts and documents to get you results
Access to private supplementary video tutorials
Weekly email masterclasses
An audio version of the course for convenient listening
Personalised support-calls and learning intensives
Unlimited email access to me where you can ask questions and share progress
Breakthrough coaching session (optional and complementary)
How do you put value on a course that could change your whole life? I guess it would be up to what your life is worth to you and your loved ones. Chances are you probably can’t even fathom what that is!
In 2022, this course is priced at AUD900 and the personalised support extends for 15 weeks from August. If you know my other coaching offerings, you would know already that 3-months of personalised coaching with me is a high-ticket experience, which makes this course incredible value.
For a limited time (a matter of days!) it is 50% off.
Join for lifetime, unlimited access to the tools and coaching to have you feeling good about you in a heartbbeat.