The Dark and the Light of Being the 'Crazy Aunty'

Darling reader,

When she was alive, sometime before she robbed my friends during a sleepover and sometime after she taught her son to shoot up heroine, I heard my aunty singing in our lounge-room. It’s Got To Be Perfect, by Fairground Attraction. I followed the sound and saw her there, so beautiful, but singing louder than anybody might dare to do in somebody else’s home. She was probably textbook crazy. The irony of her singing that song felt jarring, until I later read the lyrics (below) and thought it might be the cry of her heart. Joanne was wildly talented and just wild. My mother would be far more qualified to tell you about her life; all I knew was what I saw as a child. She was part of me falling in love with music. She was the first person to scare me in real life. She was the first person I idolised.

I think about her when I put on crazy performances for my family, committing to a funny voice for the duration of an evening. I think about her when I sing and wonder why sounding good was never that natural to me. I think about her when I get weirdly competitive during board and card games. I think about her whenever I feel crazy or like the ‘crazy aunty’.

I’ve used her to help define the right kind of crazy, because it feels like we are always a decision away from taking it too far. But we are also always at risk of not taking it far enough.
We stop ourselves when we think we are breaking rules that don’t make sense.

We have a calling to sing from the rooftops but we are terrified of non-life-threatening risks so we silence ourselves forever. We don’t wanna seem different, so we never say the truth, even though everyone else is dying to hear it.

As the song says ‘Too many people take second best, but I won’t take anything less. It’s got to be perfect.’ To me perfection is being ourselves and knowing we are safe to do so. It’s the moments where we sing freely, not because we know no social etiquette, but because we know that it can make the world dance.
Love the crazy aunty, Bec.

PS. Yep, I’m the crazy aunty because I play fighting games, pull funny faces, make my nephew pretend he’s enduring child labor and yeah I have a few videos on the internet, including karate ones, that make me seem kinda different. I’m always teetering on a bad influence (but in the best way!)

PS. Have you thought about joining me for a beautiful 3-months of the most fierce support and transformative coaching of your life? If I buy into your stories, I help you make them your most compelling selling point and motivator so that every day is energising and no problem is insurmountable. If you relate to this, I want to help you come out of the cocoon! xxx


I don't want half-hearted love affairs
I need someone who really cares
Life is too short to play silly games
I've promised myself I won't do that again

Becky Shortt Comment
Why You Will Resent Your Coach

You will resent your coach.

Firstly, you don’t need your coach.

You are going places and have a plan for big things anyway.

You will step into your first session as a high-achiever with a track-record of success and people might think they ‘created you’.

They will use your lessons and your genius to help others. They might even quote you.

They won’t hold you accountable for the things you say you’re gonna do cos they don’t really care.

(Spoiler: They will hold you accountable to being the best version of yourself!)

They won’t say what you want to hear, only what you need.

Or they’ll ignore things cos they know it’s not the truth.

They will make offers you can’t refuse and make you spend money you never thought you had.

They will smugly say something to the effect of ‘interesting’ or ‘that’s how this works’ when you make that money back faster than ever.

They won’t bring up stuff from your last conversation, even when you just want a check in, because all they like to do is deal with what is real and what you think is impossible.

They will misunderstand you sometimes and it will be your fault for not speaking your truth.

You will seek some mystical, sexy, scientific wisdom, but the only things that stick are the most simple principles.

They’ll make you believe you have superpowers and then you’ll wonder why you ever needed a coach.

They’ll even tell you that you don’t need them.

But here is why you want them.

You were ready for real change and you were about to do it alone. Unsupported. As usual.

And you are sick of feeling alone.

There is nobody to talk to about what is real for you. People see you as busy, or really smart or really weird or too introverted or maybe too intense. Or your dreams are just ‘nice’ things and nobody really gets how overwhelming they can be- how things that in words sound so simple feel so hard. Nobody really gets you.

People talk you up and reassure you, saying things like ‘you’re amazing’, but the words vanish as soon as they arrive because they say it based on superficial things, like thinking you have ‘talent’. You don’t need fluffy compliments anymore. You need things to be practical. You need the truth, no matter how it feels to hear it.

Your life is dynamic, yet everything is connected and how you do one thing is how you do anything. Your coach knows this and therefore no topic is off limits- however seemingly insignificant, however deep.

You secretly want to be in an elite group of people who are inspired leaders, who inspire leaders.

You need to know spending and making money can be as easy as breathing.

You need the symbolic gesture that you put you first. That your dreams and desires are worth the time and energy and that someone else is invested in your success and joy.

You want someone to celebrate the wins.

With your overactive mind, you really do want things to be simple.

You know it has to happen because your superpowers come from doing what most people do not dare to do. Put everything on the line to be better and do better.

And you know it’s time to live from your genius.

You will never need a coach. When you get one, you may have mixed feelings. But these feelings come from the fact that some part of you truly believes that something different is possible.

And when you get a coach, you’ll be kinda mad at the absurdity that the most natural thing in the world, living, requires your attention.

Resent Your Coach.png

And one day you might have to tell someone you have a coach and have them say ‘Oh ok’, passing it off like it’s nothing, even though to you it has been EVERYTHING!!!!

You’ll still smile on the inside, knowing what you know now.

It’s worth it.

I wrote this based on my own experiences and of those clients I have coached. If you want to work with me, see my very casual offering here which will tell you if we are a good fit, or contact me and ask me how we can work together. I will send you a video of me crying before my own first coaching session as a present.

Comment with other things that make you resent your coach. This is funny as hell!

Love Becky


Becky ShorttComment
What I Learnt from Coaching My Mentor

One of my clients is a friend, mentor and quite frankly a human who used to scare the shit out of me. A person the old Becky (and many others) would find intimidating. This person’s accomplishments, expertise, conviction and manner could make anyone feel a little timid. Not because this person wants that, but because they are a high-achiever, and their assertive command is actually a part of their eccentricity- the part of them that makes them feel alone. When he came to me for help with his anxiety, I understood, again, how easy it is to misjudge and how important this work is.

I wanted to share this for two reasons. Firstly, to acknowledge the absurdity of me coaching someone who I found scary. Years ago I used to hide my coaching posts from this client and from others I knew who were like him. But I once was told that people who seem a little critical or question what you do are often the most interested. The ones who avoid it, often know they need what you have to offer. If you ever shy away from sharing your gifts for fear of criticism, please remember that the ones who need it most might MISS OUT. I am always honoured to do this work, and it does feel pretty special to support someone who made me nervous and uncomfortable for years!

Secondly, I want you to know that if you feel completely misunderstood, its more than just that you, are a little odd. High-achievers come with a more visible duality and a level of complexity that can be quite intense and jarring. People make sweeping statements like ‘He’s the CEO but he’s an asshole’ or ‘She the sweetest person, but she’ll beat the shit out of you.’ You might be considered an energiser bunny, but you really feel like the laziest, most stuck person you know. Babe, one thing you can always do to be at peace with this is gently, but boldly, be more yourself than ever. Say what is real to you. Reveal the part of yourself that you think should be hidden, because it is a human trait, not just a YOU trait. Don’t use vulnerability as a marketing tool. Just be vulnerable without saying it. Risk your heart everyday because in the long run, it’s the kindest thing you can do for yourself.

My friend and I are working together because I first shared with him some of my truths that were so unexpected and plainly delivered that we both laughed for ages. Then he said ‘me too’.

I’m choosing to believe that the key to deeper connection is to be openly more me. Maybe you can choose to believe this too. The floor might feel like it’s collapsing beneath you, but it’s the smallest fall. Like sighing and flopping on a bed that feels as safe and easy as home.

Lot of love,


Becky ShorttComment
Do you have to change who you are to get what you want?

This year when I was making the decision to accept a challenging leadership position, something at first didn’t feel right. And I figured out why.

I was imagining me stepping into the role, embodying the qualities of my predecessor (someone brilliant, but my polar opposite). From this space, all I could perceive was the enormous pressure, sacrifice and reconfiguration that it would involve. I appreciated the growth experience, but growth for growth’s sake isn’t always right either.

But then I visualised myself in the role, being ME, as I have known myself, just doing different stuff. And suddenly I felt the relief.

The opportunity.

The world opening up in a different way, where growth could mean further cultivating strengths or those parts people only see in glimpses.

I was already ready- or as ready as I could be.

I don’t know how much I may change from here, but I do know that we often put limitations on ourselves when considering what may be the next level. Perhaps you relate to some degree to these fleeting thoughts that cross my mind.

I can’t go for the promotion because I’m not a ‘strong personality’.

I can’t promote myself as an artist because I’m not conventionally good-looking.

I can’t make friends with those people because I’m not interesting or successful enough.

Being you is the best starting point. It got you this far.

Another way of thinking-

I will do a great job with my unique personality.

I can promote myself looking like me cos I am a pivotal part of my creations!

We can be friends- me as me, you as you.

There is a conversation for another day that may contradict this, but let’s not talk about that yet. Let’s talk about you somehow getting to the ‘next level’ while still being you. Because of it, despite it, (sometimes) in spite of it and without reasoning at all.

It can make the seemingly insurmountable easy, natural and fun.

What is next for you, and will you choose to do it being you?

Lots of love,


Becky ShorttComment
Worse than a needle in the bum...

Over the last 10 years, or perhaps my whole life, I’ve been discovering what is scary for me and doing it anyway. Not tokenistic stuff that I’m not interested in like jumping out of a plane (though one day perhaps), but those actions that seem little or insignificant to everyone else, but are totally at the edge of my comfort zone. Things like awkward conversations, performing a sultry karaoke rendition of Baby One More Time to Japanese karate masters, skinny-dipping under the stars with a dude with a ‘no funny-business’ proviso, and coaching people who are waaaay more the classic picture of success than me! I also recently recorded original music with the same guy who works with international artists like Justin Bieber and Katy Perry. I was in over my head, that’s for sure. But, as you know, that which is scary for us can begin to dull in intensity the more we do it. We become strong, robust and seem to make the difficult appear very natural. Heck, walking into a karate dojo sometimes still makes me nervous. But it’s not my edge.

My most recent self-discovery is that…

 asking for what I want…

something reeeeaallly important to me…

 without immediately and directly helping someone,

is at this point, the most difficult thing I’ve done.

Yep, even more difficult than the time I had to inject my badly injured husband with two needles for over a week to make sure he didn’t die on our pre-wedding ‘honeymoon’.

Not too long ago, I asked my facebook friends to indulge in my music journey by sending me their email so they could stay up-to-date with the songs I’ve been creating. You wouldn’t believe this, but after I posted it (with no emotion/energy in the doing of course), I went back into bed, buried my head in a pillow a cried a bit. My husband talked me through taking 3 deep breaths and then I said out loud ‘It is safe for me to ask for what I want’. Even though eventually people may enjoy my music, at this point I’m asking people to take a leap of faith without offering them anything tangible. That was hard. But then it became ok, and created a lot of meaningful conversations with people I haven’t spoken to ever before. Eventually, the anxiety shifted to become excitement. And then I wrote this.

We know that so many meaningful experiences are on the other side of fear. Sometimes it doesn’t feel like fear. It just feels like the one thing you’ve been avoiding. For many of the people I coach, that thing they avoid being themselves, asking for what they want and RECEIVING. For others, it is a push to not just ask for what they want, but go after it when they have an ingrained belief that destabilisation is a bad thing. (No, it’s not- we rise from the ashes!)

I know you know this, because this has happened to you before. You got out of your comfort zone in a way that was meaningful to you! You performed. You self-educated. You spoke up. You got out-there. You asked for help. AND it created something magical for you. I just want to remind you of that in case you forgot. I’ve tricked myself into thinking that being ‘content’ means that I’m done. There is always a different experience of joy ready to be discovered.

And it’s just a teeny step away.

Tell me about your edgy experiences and why you treasure them now or how they have suddenly become no big deal. And if you want to talk about exactly this, get in touch so we can get you moving through this edge with not only ease, but a sense of sheer delight as what’s to come.

Lots of love,



Becky ShorttComment
What happened after I blocked my Mum

I blocked my Mum.

If that sounds callous, it's exactly how it felt.

For a few years, every time I would post something inspirational on social media, I would choose a custom setting that removed my mother from the list of people who could see what I wrote. You see, when I grew up, my mum told me that Oprah Winfrey was annoying. When she heard an well-intended uplifting quote, she would make a gagging sound. She occasionally tells me to ‘NCIS’ someone- (her chosen acronym for NLP- she is hilarious!), and she sends me videos on the value of pessimism. When she did see my heart-felt posts a couple of years back, her comments were akin to ‘LOL’. She once even posted a vomit emoji!

I’ve been coaching for over five years now, and whilst I never coach without permission, some of my questioning techniques, stories and scenario-reframing kind of slip into friendly conversation. It’s who I am. I also no longer remove my mother from seeing my posts.

Here is the trigger for me writing this post.

The other week on the phone, my mother said these words;

‘Bec, you inspire me, you know. Seriously, it's true.’

Hold up!

I was floored.

I had tears streaming down my face and I tried not to sniffle in her ear.

She then went to talk about the value of positive thinking and how it’s helped her become happier and more grateful.


The same mother who won’t tell people when she’s getting on a plane until a day before, in case she ‘jinxes it’!   

After the phone call, I let the moment and the lessons sink in.

And today, I want to relay these to you.

Never shrink or hide your light, your growth, your wisdom or your pride in your journey from anyone.

Here’s why.

1.       You deserve to enjoy your ever-realised powers! You are going places and making a difference, so staying committed to being who you want to be.

2.       Those who may seem to resist your flavour of growth are those who you might rub off on one day. You might slightly trigger someone for a year or two, but eventually you may be a small part of why they are happier. For those readers who love to help others, be willing to go through that feeling of being judged in order to make the real difference you have dreamed about.

3.       All the above has a beautiful flow-on effect. See the biggest, brightest picture of how things could turn out and act accordingly.

Also, a word to other coaches reading this. A while back my own coach (and her coach and his coach) said that those who seem the most critical of what you are doing are often those who are eventually most interested- and, as it turns out in the case of my mum, most impacted. This is another reason to not hold back when it comes to sharing, making proposals or leaning into truths that seem edgy. You are attracting the perfect people.

Your turn.

Do you adjust your level of brightness in certain scenarios or around certain people?

(Quick share: As I reflect on this I realise that my behaviour during karate class fluctuates, especially being around so many inspiring people. Shrinkage may occur!)

Do you feel self-conscious or unsafe in any way as you are evolving? Could you change your experience of this?

Who would you like to invite into your way of seeing the world? Who would you like to work with or impact? You can start just by setting the example and trust that by being your best self, those on your radar may follow suit. If anyone seems overly critical or you feel overly uncomfortable around someone, an awkward conversation may be the medicine. If you need coaching around how to have an awkward conversation, ask me. I’m an expert at awkward convos!

And if any insights arise from this or you want to share your thoughts, please comment below. I would love to respond to you here and invite others into our conversation. You never know who is watching! They may need your questions and wisdom.

Have faith, precious, and remember you are more powerful than you can fathom.

Love Becky

Becky Shortt Comments
Feeling Frustrated? Well, aren't you lucky!

Hi Champion!,

I've been doing lots of inner work around frustration, noticing it cropping up more frequently in my daily life, and with a curious mind, I have invented and rediscovered old attitudes about frustration that could be the little miracle you need right now. I recently shared with my subscribers a bit about my own frustrations during the creative process, but right now I'd like to cut to the chase and give you these juicy insights.

Attitude 1: Frustration Equals Engagement
If you are frustrated, it means that you are taking action (or on the brink of it!). Most the time we experience feelings of frustration, it is because we are in the midst of some kind of action. If I become frustrated as I am learning a new skill, the alternative would be not bothering at all. That’s no way to make progress! It also may mean I am deeply engaged with an idea or a desire. Isn’t it better to go through life actually caring and being invested in something than feeling complete apathy? If you are feeling frustrated, rest assured that you are a sentient human (a human being and DOING) and not a robot.
Now when I am frustrated about creative work or realising a mission, I can shift the energy in the moment by saying, ‘If I’m frustrated, it means I care and that makes the journey worthwhile’.

Attitude 2:  Frustration Precedes a Breakthrough
I’ve been around just long enough to know that frustration never remains frustration. It always happens before a breakthrough, and so in persisting through frustration, we guarantee that we will have an epiphany and that all the pieces will click into place. I like to see this through the framework of ‘exponential growth’, wherein getting good at honing in on the little things, (while feeling a sense of slow-going) an abrupt skyrocket is closer than we think. That’s exponential growth. With this attitude and perspective, we value the journey and the ‘tests’ that present themselves along the way.

Attitude 3: Frustration Invites Reflection
Frustration tells us that there is something specifically not working that needs to be addressed. It may be limiting attitude or belief. It may be something technical in your line of work that needs refinement. Articulate PRECISELY what it is that is frustrating you. Not because it’s a coping mechanism (which it is!), but because it’s a clue that there is something that needs nurturing. When I have felt this way, it has prompted me to hire help, research a gap in my knowledge or put hours into the right kind of work. Your frustration has a message for you! Discover what it is and let that guide your action!

Do you have your own approach to frustration? Any attitudes to support you and any favourite ACTIONS to take, affirmations or practices that support your management (or obliteration) of frustration? Share with me in the comments.

Sending you lots of love, reader. Happy learnings!



Becky ShorttComment
What to Do When the Proverbial Hits the Fan...

When your world seems to be crumbling around you…

When two trains of thought are headed in opposite directions, yet are veering to collide…

When everything hurts…

There is something you must do before you watch it unravel or take bold action.

It’s not simply ‘positive thinking’- though that works.

It’s not ‘TRUST’, though that offers more comfort than you could imagine.

It’s not ‘Take things into your own hands’, though it’ll get you ‘unstuck’ quick-smart.

The one thing you must do when life becomes messier than expected…

Choose a belief and act in accordance with that belief.

You see, some things are mostly out of your control. Like the breakdown of a relationship between your nearest and dearest, or your workplace imploding or some Catch 22 scenario that seems to have no win-win option. You feel you are still in the firing line or that you cannot escape unscathed. The most powerful thing you can do is transcend the moment, look down at it with compassion for you and everyone involved, and then ask the most powerful question you could ask.

‘What belief can serve my highest self in this moment?’

What belief can I subscribe to so I can move forward with a lighter heart and integrity?

What do I choose to believe to make everything that follows a little simpler?

Once you pick a belief, you can act in accordance with that belief. Eventually, the belief or philosophy you’ve adopted will feel a greater part of you, and decision-making will become easy.

In coaching people through difficult and messy times, and through having conversations with myself, I have been able to share this bank of beliefs that have served people profoundly.

  • I believe that every person is doing the best they can, with the tools they have in their unique context. I choose to treat everybody accordingly. (This is one I personally subscribe to because it makes my heart lighter.)

  • Human beings are incredibly resilient, as am I. We will get through this if we take one small step at a time.

  • The world exists to be experienced. I seek all experiences and allow these to teach me and help me grow.

  • Everything is working out in my favour.

(and some more specific ones I’ve elicited over the years)

  • Everybody deserves forgiveness.

  • My friends are my family and I am fiercely loyal to both. (See how this one would make all family/friend scenarios simpler?)

  • I only work places where I can bring joy to others.

  • I only work places where I am valued.

  • All life is miraculous. (Again, notice how this may dictate the way an individual may interact with nature, animals, etc)

I don’t know know what is going on in your world. How could I? But I do know that if you take a bit of time to settle on beliefs that propagate love and greatness, for yourself, others and the world, then there is nothing you cannot navigate.

What do you choose to believe? And how will this shape how you act?

You will feel more settled and like you have more integrity if you rigidly act in alignment with the belief you choose. You probably chose it because it feels noble and worth living by. If you deviate in your actions and feel yucky about it, then it is likely you chose the right belief. It obviously resonates with you if you cannot stand contradicting it with your actions.

I have to say that despite years of using NLP to help people reprogram their beliefs, it can be as simple as consciously choosing to think differently. However, if you are stuck transitioning into a new belief, you can always book in to have me walk you through one powerful process of installing a new philosophy. Reach out with any questions, and share how this is working for you.

Be kind and gentle with yourself friends.

We are mortals after all.

Love Becky


Becky ShorttComment
Why I Love Valentine's Day

With a tendency towards the romantic (writing songs, poems and constantly wearing my heart on my sleeve), you may imagine that the only reason I love Valentine’s Day is because the world seems as love sick as me. But the real reason I love it- or at least the one I want to focus on today, is that Valentine’s Day teaches us one way to do life.

Valentine’s Day is a perfect reminder that we can choose to make a big deal of important things (like love!) whenever we choose. Isn’t it magical that just by allocating a day to celebrate relationships, more people give to their loved one, offer gestures- many of which cost no money, make little special moments and ultimately experience more smiles and that happy buzz that accompanies many of us throughout the day? Even for those not in ‘romantic relationships’, romance becomes possible between friends and family members who look to show their affection in deliberate and grander ways.

So knowing that all it takes is a simple decision- to name a date and act in accordance with the values it promotes, it makes me wonder how we can do this more often. One way is to DECIDE to make little moments special. Even the nice things we do for others (because we are nice!) or the sweet routines we have scheduled (like ‘Date night’) can take on an elevated level of importance if we make it so.

I  am conflicted here, lovers. I believe that looking forward to something makes the journey special, but can potentially leave people underwhelmed if the reality doesn’t match the hype. No expectations= no disappointment. And I also know that where our energy goes, results show, and so by choosing to make a moment special, it is far more likely to be.

Can you put more Valentine’s Days into your life? Many of you are already super romantic and show your love often. So where could you make a big deal of this exchange of love? It may be in the attitude you bring to making you and your partner dinner. I enjoy the process a lot more when I add finishing touches, secret ingredients and anticipate the relief and happiness my husband may feel when (following a hug from our dog and a kiss from me), he sits down to a meal made with love. It is a vastly different experience to just throwing something together because ‘I’m the one who gets home early’.

In our platonic relationships, it’s cute to have ‘lady dates’, ‘bro dates’ or ‘sister dates’. See how just by allocating a ‘date’ it is all the more special? As much as we value our friendships, allowing ourselves to feel excitement as we anticipate time especially set aside for our loved ones, honours our loved ones thrice-fold. It takes the quiet knowing of love, the one that sits in our bones, and allows it to radiate through our skin, exciting us and making our feelings felt! I know that I will be having more of these ‘dates’ from now on.

But the principle of ‘making a big deal of things we take for granted’ extends to other facets of our lives. Whilst Christmas has unofficially transmuted into a day for celebrating family, we certainly could use more days where we seek out deep family bonding.

We can have days where we honour the history of our sport, spend a week writing thank you letters to people who inspire us, allocate a period of time every month where we retreat into nature just to show our wonder and gratitude for its magic.

When we choose to make something a big deal, it becomes so.

And that is why I love Valentine’s Day. Because it is a perfect reminder that when we focus on love, we feel it even more. And that when we design time in honour of something meaningful, we have a more spectacular experience of it.

I wish you grand love, all-types, wherever you are this Valentine’s Day. And I invite you to consider and share how you can make a big-deal of the little things that make the world a better place. 

Because it’s fun.

And life should be celebrated.

Becky ShorttComment
How to Speak in Adult and Improve Your Relationships

When it comes to communicating in adult relationships, it would be amazing if we could keep the dynamic ‘adult-to-adult’ as often as possible. Yet, particularly in response to stressors,  it is easy to develop unhealthy parent-child relationships or communication ‘transactions’.

(Note: In psychology there is a theory in Transactional Analysis that delineates between states of being- child, parent and adult. However, this post does not strictly reflect these archetypes, especially in relation to the child state.)

Sometimes when communicating with your loved ones, partner or colleagues, you may feel so exhausted that you slip into ‘child’, hoping that someone will take care of everything for you. Sometimes, we step into ‘parent’ when someone is having a meltdown, because instinctively we are looking to balance the dynamic by treating them like a child.

But the best way to balance any adult relationship dynamic is to have both parties respond and react in ‘adult’, even when it feels unnatural.

Here is an idea for a really nice way to communicate in ‘adult’ when you want to channel your parent persona. Be honest by acknowledging that you are working on changing your communication.

‘Right now, I’m getting this urge to try to tell you what to do, but I know that you know what is best for you. If something comes up, I’d be interested to hear about it and I’m here for you.’

The same principle of talking through these urges applies when you want to be in child OR when you believe you are about to be ‘parented’. ‘Darling, I feel like crying and dwelling in this feeling of helplessness so you’ll step in and rescue me with advice and compliments. But I am capable of getting through this on my own and I would love to be held accountable to my own strength.’

You can imagine, too, that even just thinking these thoughts would create a remarkable shift.

I personally feel like in many areas of my life, I too often respond in child-state (or let people ‘parent’ me), as I’m eager to learn and interested to see what people have to say when they have their parent hat on. But this has also made it difficult for me to have real, balanced conversations with people who have become accustomed to this dynamic.

Working as a teacher, I’ve become used to being in parent-state, and even been advised to ‘be a mum’ when in a teaching-learning space. Yet, I know that the more adult to adult transactions that occur, the better it will be for the education and empowerment of my students. I think coaching adults is when it is easiest to foster that adult-adult communication.

Wondering if after reading this you are even more aware of when you may be in child-state (lost, curious, positioning yourself as less capable/ in need of mothering), parent-state (bossy, giving, domineering, critical) or adult (acknowledging that we are both ok and capable).

Let’s talk adult to adult sometime.

Would love your thoughts in the comments, especially in terms of how where you have noticed interesting relationship dynamics according to the various states of being.


Love you,


Becky ShorttComment