Do you have to change who you are to get what you want?
This year when I was making the decision to accept a challenging leadership position, something at first didn’t feel right. And I figured out why.
I was imagining me stepping into the role, embodying the qualities of my predecessor (someone brilliant, but my polar opposite). From this space, all I could perceive was the enormous pressure, sacrifice and reconfiguration that it would involve. I appreciated the growth experience, but growth for growth’s sake isn’t always right either.
But then I visualised myself in the role, being ME, as I have known myself, just doing different stuff. And suddenly I felt the relief.
The opportunity.
The world opening up in a different way, where growth could mean further cultivating strengths or those parts people only see in glimpses.
I was already ready- or as ready as I could be.
I don’t know how much I may change from here, but I do know that we often put limitations on ourselves when considering what may be the next level. Perhaps you relate to some degree to these fleeting thoughts that cross my mind.
I can’t go for the promotion because I’m not a ‘strong personality’.
I can’t promote myself as an artist because I’m not conventionally good-looking.
I can’t make friends with those people because I’m not interesting or successful enough.
Being you is the best starting point. It got you this far.
Another way of thinking-
I will do a great job with my unique personality.
I can promote myself looking like me cos I am a pivotal part of my creations!
We can be friends- me as me, you as you.
There is a conversation for another day that may contradict this, but let’s not talk about that yet. Let’s talk about you somehow getting to the ‘next level’ while still being you. Because of it, despite it, (sometimes) in spite of it and without reasoning at all.
It can make the seemingly insurmountable easy, natural and fun.
What is next for you, and will you choose to do it being you?
Lots of love,